The Art of Password Creation (poster)
Authors: Blase Ur, Saranga Komanduri, Richard Shay, Stephanos Matsumoto, Lujo Bauer, Nicolas Christin

Date: May 2013
Publication: 34th IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy, SP '13
Publisher: IEEE
Source 1:
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Abstract or Summary:
Our recent work considers password strength from a new perspective: not only how guidance affects password strength, but why. We examine in depth how users create passwords, which words they use, and how the component pieces of passwords relate to each other. We analyze which characteristics of password creation are associated with strong and weak passwords when attacked with current crackers. We then search for patterns that current crackers do not exploit, but which could indicate vulnerability to cracking. Overall, we examine password creation more thoroughly than any previous analysis. Note: Additional unlisted authors: Lorrie Faith Cranor, Patrick Gage Kelley, Michelle L. Mazurek, Timothy Vidas

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