Enabling Automatic Password Change in Password Managers Through Crowdsourcing
Authors: Peter Mayer, Hermann Berket, Melanie Volkamer

Date: December 6 2016
Publication: 11th International Conference on Passwords (Passwords16 Bochum)
Source 1: https://publikationen.bibliothek.kit.edu/1000081978/15473209

Abstract or Summary:
Password managers can immensely increase password security, for laymen and experts alike. One reason for the low adaption is a lack of automatic password change. In this paper, we describe our work on extending password managers towards automatic password change on the web. The main idea is that users can teach the password managers how to change their password on a specific website using a recorder module and share this information (blueprints) with other users, effectively crowdsourcing the creation of these blueprints. Parts of the proposal were implemented as an add-on for the Firefox browser and evaluated in a user study. Our results show that our proposal is viable and usable.

PasswordResearch.com Note: Video of presentation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rwuL7sm4aHc

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